Strawberry Singh challenged everyone to write a Haiku about our Second Life…  I don’t think I’ve tried writing a haiku since, oh, college, probably. Write a Haiku did come in handy for this.

I have no idea why the first thing that popped into my mind was my inventory. Or, rather, a prominent section of my inventory.  I haven’t been in world too much this week whilst  Firestorm and I struggle to get along after the latest update, so no cute pics to go along with this, but I present  my haiku, with it’s inspiration.

Hey, I’m quite proud of this little effort! 😛


Dozens of objects
That I forgot to rename.
Frustration abounds.




  1. Peep Sideshow

    OMG! I think I want to make a wall transparency of your haiku! *applauds wildly*

  2. Bumblebee

    Brilliant!! Holy objects :O

  3. Kellie Iwish

    This sums my SL up too! I love it! haha

  4. PurpleButterfly Lykin

    OMG so good to see an inventory that I can relate too. I feel your pain LOL

  5. Raven

    Thanks everybody 😀

  6. Kaelyn Alecto

    hahaha I laughed so hard at this one! LOL

    My inventory looks a lot like yours! 😛


Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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