Adventures with Flat Rodvik

What time is it? Monday meme time! Well, okay, technically it’s Tuesday by now, but you know what I mean! It’s time for Strawberry Singh’s Monday Meme. ๐Ÿ™‚ Today we are taking Flat Rodvik with us on adventures around the grid ๐Ÿ˜€

Rodvik turned out to be very convenient and portable.

If you have kids, or friends with kids, you may have been introduced to Flat Stanley, a little paper cutout boy who gets mailed to friends and relatives in other cities, and they send back his photo adventures. (more…)

The Bucket List


Okay, I’ve got the bucket… now I just need to make my list…

I’ve begun to look forward to Monday over the past few months, because it means that Strawberry Singh will post a new meme!ย I’ve not participated in every one of them but I’ve tried to do as many as I could, and I’m going to hold her partially responsible for keeping me blogging. ๐Ÿ˜€ (more…)

Thoughts that haunt us


Alone with my thoughts…

It took me forever to decide if I wanted to attempt Strawberry Singh’s blog challenge for this week, The Haunted Meme.ย She asks us what haunts us, what are our fears, and the problem isn’t that I can’t think of what to write, it’s trying to decide just what fear to go with…