

I managed a week of blogging and I have a star!   Thank you, Vaneeesa!  It was great meeting a few of the other bloggers on Saturday.  Hopefully we’ll be able to do so again before the month is out!  I am very proud of my star, I really wasn’t sure I’d last a full week without wandering off after something shiny. I’m not sure about next week because I have an anniversary coming up, but I will try to queue a few days. And maybe have the husband log in and celebrate with me in SL too. 😀


Cheering me on during my blogging adventures is my lil buddy here, he’s my SL version of a plushie a friend made for me, patterned on my favorite musician.  The RL version sits on my desk and keeps me company, so I knew I needed to put the SL version beside my computer. 😀  I was thinking of putting him on my treadmill desk as well, but he’s a tad primmy, so he’ll cheer me on from home. Visual Mind Chatter is my primary tumblr by the way – I switch out the pics on that poster periodically and it didn’t occur to me to change the blog name. He cheers on all my blogging endeavors equally, though, even my new and completely underutilized plurk account. If there are people I should be following let me know, I have no idea what to do there.

And so ends day 9, time is flying this month. Once again it’s a bit of a rambly post. To do: less filler posts, more pics. (^_^)


  1. PurpleButterfly Lykin

    Yay for the gold star! I do like your inspiration plushie friend .. makes me wonder what all us bloggers use as our friendly inspiration at our desk?

    • Ravensong

      Ooh! That’s a good question, I wonder too! What sort of things do people like to keep around them, either on their RL desks or something they just have to have rezzed in their SL home?


Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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