Having written that relatively long post about selfies I have come to realize something. I really need to learn how to write just a bit faster, I get an idea and it takes me forever to get it written out, then another dozen forevers before I hit publish, because I keep revising and rethinking everything.


  1. Vaneeesa Blaylock

    IDK Raven, I can’t say you’re exactly wrong here… but I really like posts like your Selfie post.

    In my own case… I really want to do a post a day… but a post takes me forever… so it’s either impossible… or a fulltime job… If I could find a way to be faster, that’d really be great. So far I haven’t found it…

    • Ravensong

      I think I get so preoccupied with constantly revising a post that I end up spending the entire day fiddling with it, and then I don’t have time to go in world so I can actually find new things to blog about xD


Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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