Surround Me With Music

Sometimes I go on music posting binges on my social media.  I’ll sweep in with a string of YouTube videos and post songs I love, or things that I like and just hadn’t heard in a while, or things I think people should hear. Sometimes people interact, usually I suspect they scroll past and go about their day. For the most part no one seems to notice, a few might like a post, but in general I feel like the meme with the little otter holding his tiny guitar: when you show your friends something you love and they just say ‘cool’ and change the subject.

Usually it’s when I am feeling depressed or lonely, and I’m attempting to reach out to others and find some common bond that I start spamming my socials with songs. November, December, and January have been rough months for me personally for the past few years since I lost my husband, and 2020 did nothing to help the feeling of isolation and loneliness that hits this time of year, so I suspect my music binge was right on schedule. 

It’s not quite as easy to do this in Second Life, so instead of shouting my music suggestions to the world I just quietly fill my profile with lyrics and references, and take pics of musical things. Or, as I did back in 2008, build a model of the college radio station studio where I worked and made some of my best friends. Then, as now, music was one of the primary ways I found to bond with others.

Even though my little studio is very dated and incredibly primmy, I still like to rez it when I have the land available, sit my avatars in the studio, and surround myself with music.

And then, of course, I have to share it. 

At the Stroke of Midnight

What can I say about 2020?  It started me off with with some costly home maintenance issues, added in car repairs, and just as that was getting itself resolved, tossed in a virus and closed the world down. I learned things about other people and their viewpoints that I would never have expected, and I realized I’m not as big of a hermit as I’d always thought because I missed being able to go out and just sit quietly in a bookstore reading or people watching.

Still, this past year was not a total dumpster fire, there were many good moments.  I found a lot of ways to enjoy myself without needing to go out. I spent more time listening to music and discovered new artists to obsess over, I worked on my Minecraft building skills, and I managed to follow a much healthier eating plan and drop quite a bit of weight that had been aggravating my back. (We won’t discuss what the holidays have done to that eating plan…)

I also spent time rediscovering how much I love taking photos, both in Second Life and IRL. I realized I had let my creativity fall by the wayside because I saw so many other people doing the things I loved to do, but doing it so much better than me, that I decided I probably shouldn’t do the things. I still haven’t fully managed to knock the idea out of my head that just because someone else is good at photography (or drawing, or crafts) it doesn’t mean that I should throw in the towel, because there’s not a quota for how many people are allowed to do art. Kind of a hard belief to shake, it’s lived in my head for a few decades now, but I’m working on it.

So here we are, in 2021.  I don’t usually make New Year resolutions, but I will try to make this my year to do the creative things. Write more. Do more art. Make the things.

Happy New Year, friends.  May you have success with whatever resolutions you make, and may this year bring us love, joy, laughter, and healing.

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas…

And all through the blog, not a creature was stirring. Not even the dog… (Possibly because he’s static mesh, but you know, details…)

As part of my easing back into this bloggy thing, I thought I’d leave a little Christmas greeting.  This year Christmas in RL is as quiet as quiet can be, as not only should we all be cautious about travel, but also I had a potential exposure to our friend the virus. While I’m fine I still have 3 days to go on the self quarantine thing. Yay 2020, I hate to see you go…

So today I’ll celebrate a virtual Christmas eve, and send out my wishes to everyone for a wonderful holiday.  May all of you have an extra special Christmas dream come true.

A is for Aaaaugh! I haven’t blogged in 4 years!

A is for Aaaaugh! I haven’t blogged in 4 years!

I’ve missed blogging.  I’ve often thought about diving back into it and writing to my hearts content. I looked at it now and then, I contemplated, I moved on to do something else. The other day I ran into Vanessa Blaylock, whom I first met when she had a LEA installation back in 2013 and I signed up for her blogger crossfit challenge. Back then I was busy taking pics, and playing with a number of blogs, and I was having a blast. Then time passed, RL happened, I spent less and less time in SL, and less time writing. All my beloved little blogs fell by the wayside, but I never deleted them. There was always the hope that maybe I’d start writing again… maybe I’d have a sudden burst of inspiration.

We chatted a bit about blog challenges, and how they could be a lot of fun, and suddenly boom, here we are! Vanessa has issued a challenge to “Write a 26-line blog post creating your own “Alphabet of SL”  Of course I knew I had to do this, but my annoying need to have everything just right before has resulted in me spending almost all of my Saturday blowing the dust out of WordPress and building a new theme and then trying to figure out something for each letter of the alphabet. It’s been more fun than I’ve had in a long time 😀

So here we are, a brand new blog post to bring me some cheer, and to perhaps puzzle all the folks who once subscribed to this and now wonder why they are getting a notice for some random blog they’d forgotten about.  It’s just me, having fun getting back into the swing of things with my own ABC’s of Second Life!

A is for Alts. I am my own best friends.
B is for Bling that twinkles and shines!
C is for Calas Galadhon, such a beautiful place.
D is for Dancing the night away and not getting even a little tired
E is for Events to shop till you drop
F is for Flickr where SL photography thrives
G is for Gachas. I want to say no but they suck me in…
H is for Hunts to find fabulous things
I is for Inventory, that grows and grows and grows
J is for Jams, where performers and music fans in the SL live music community gather in real life.
K is for Kannonji, where I made wonderful friends early in my SL.
L is for Land Impact, which I am forever trying to reduce so I can fit as much as possible onto my land.
M is for Mesh, which has completely transformed SL.
N is for Notecards, filling up my inventory with sales notices that I forget to delete.
O is for Object– I have accumulated a lot of things named Object. I don’t know what 99% of them are.
P is for Profiles, what I l love to read whenever I’m in a crowded area
Q is for Quiet, which is me most of the time ’cause I just don’t know what to say to people
R is for Raglan Shire, filled with Tinies, fun, and waffles
S is for Shopping. I mean Duh, it’s like 90% of my Second Life.
T is for Teleporting. What I wish I could do in RL to save time.
U is for Ultra, what I usually run my graphics on and then wonder why I lag
V is for Vehicles. Almost 14 years in and I still can not keep my SL cars on the road.
W is for Wild Witch Glen, my own little shop, long gone but one of the most fun things I’ve done in SL
X is for xylophone. I couldn’t think of an X, but I’m sure there are xylophones in SL.
Y is for Yay – what I said when I saw a blog challenge 😀
Z is for Zazen. Taking a break from the day to sit in meditation with others in SL is a wonderful thing.

Thanks for the prompting, Vanessa!  And now my challenge to myself is to not let this be a one time thing…


Yearbook photos and random chatter

For Strawberry Singh’s 9th rezday she is doing a yearbook photo challenge!  Happy Rezday Berry!! She’s three months younger than me. Hard to believe I’ve been wandering around Second Life for nine years now, and despite my aging and increasingly grouchy laptop it’s still just as much fun as ever.  😀


Lately whenever I am logged in as Ravensong I have been sticking to tiny-ish avatars, most recently the unbelievably cute patchwork toy elephant from Abranimations, but I thought I’d be my old self for a few minutes to get a good pic. It was a bit odd to put the regular av form back on, lately I’ve felt a bit disconnected from Ravensong. I’m not sure what it is… though I suspect that part of my reluctance to be in world is that in recent months I’ve had the occasional mildly flirty guys begin to chat with me, and while they’ve all been unfailingly polite for some reason it freaks me out. I do occasionally enjoy having a nice chat, but it still makes me want to log off and hide (or I start talking nonstop about my late husband until my conversation partner finds a reason to dash off.) I’ve no idea why I am this way. Perhaps I associate this account so strongly with the time my hub and I spent in world that I can’t ever consider interacting with someone who might flirt, even in the most innocent fashion. A good friend once told me one of the reasons she chose to avoid human avatars in favor of being a full time tiny was because she had no interest in getting hit on. I suspect that’s what is driving my desire to find cute little avatars. I can log in, talk to my friends if they are on, tend to my landscapes, and all is peaceful.

On the other hand I can’t give up my shopping addiction, so I have been spending far more time in world with my alts, who have no friends beyond my RL connections, and who spend most of their time at shopping events, or standing around the house looking adorable, or trying out dances. 😀 They thought, since this was a yearbook meme, that they’d throw in their go at a fabulous shot, and said they were off to the prom. I hope they don’t stay out too late.



The yearbook pic

Hair: Dura Boys & Girls 48
Skin: League –  Erin Medium
Sweater: Purple Moon Creations
Eyeglasses: K_gs
Eyes: Ikon

The Couple:

Hair: Mina –  Gael
Suit: Deadwool – The Dandy
Skin: Nivaro –  Cunov Summertone
Eyes: Ikon

Hair: Magika – Honey Whiskey
Dress: Candy Doll Lara
Necklace: Maxi Gossamer Alexa black pearl choker
Body: Maitreya Lara
Hands: Slink
Skin: League Isla Medium
Eyes: Ikon