Dance With Me

My involuntary vacation from SL has made me very sad this month. It never fails to amaze me how when I can’t do something it makes it a thousand times more appealing. That’s certainly been the case with Second Life lately, if I had easy access I’d take it for granted and put off logging in. Can’t explore at all? Massive withdrawal, especially since I really wanted to go to Skin Fair. *Pauses to cry a bit.*  I’ve been wondering if I might still be able to visit on this machine if I set draw distance to 32, turn all the eye candy off, and cross my fingers and hope really hard…

Oh well. Since I couldn’t manage a brand new pic for Strawberry Singh’s Monday Meme about dancing  I’ve gone back in time and found one of my older shots that I’d always liked, mostly because it was just a fun memory. We didn’t dance too often, but it was a good bet if we were involved in any sort of a couples dance I was trying to take pics of us because we were so darn cute. I always loved to watch our avs dance. ♥︎

dance with me04182010


Doing Memes While I Wait

Lately I’ve had a feeling that I’m waiting for something to happen. What? I have no idea. Waiting for Spring, for warm weather, for new beginnings. Maybe I’m really just waiting for myself to do something remarkable. (more…)

Finding Hope

Sometimes hope comes from the small, silly moments

This week the Monday Meme from Strawberry Singh was provided by her friend Winter Jefferson, and it’s relevant to me on a lot of levels.  Strawberry is dealing with the end of a RL relationship that has left her heartbroken, and while it’s not quite the same as the loss I’ve been working through there are parallels, and I certainly feel for her. The meme this week asks us about what gives us hope, and asks us:

Take a few moments on your blogs or chosen social media to tell us about a time you faced your own personal nadir. When were you at your lowest point? How did you pull through and triumph to become the dazzling specimen of humanity you are today? When you reached out… who was there to help you back up again? (more…)

New Year, New Memes!

Here I go into the first full week of 2014. This is the week I said I would drag myself out of my cocoon and begin doing things, this is the week I was going to start everything fresh and take charge of my life. Have I done this? Well… I’m going to blame the sub zero temperatures on my inactivity. Too cold to think today, it was much more enjoyable to stay inside under a blanket, and wander around in world for a while.

We were looking for some ice cream… I think we took a wrong turn somewhere…
