Totally Immersed

He did appear to be quite immersed in the tour.

For the past day or two keeping up with the posts in the #immersivedrax tag on Twitter has  been fabulous! When Strawberry Singh gave us a FlatDraxtor meme challenge I had to take part. 😀  Here’s the problem though: where do you take a guy that is always up to date on the very best things that Second Life has to offer? It was quite a dilemma. In the end I thought I’d just give ImmersiveDrax a quick tour of my home platform.

Draxtor! Watch your step!

Of course one must never forget that sky platforms can be dangerous places, particularly if you are totally immersed. Always keep an eye on your immersed friends if they start to wander around. That first wrong step would be a doozy!

Don’t miss all the #immersiveDrax pics on Twitter. They are fantastic!

Searching for myself

Monday, meme day, and another two-parter, with questions! I love question memes. Questions are the best! I can go on for hours. You're all thrilled, I can tell. 😀 I'll just skip the introductory commentary and get right to it. Strawberry Singh asks us to Google our...

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Best friends

The meme this week from Strawberry Singh was in two parts, the first of which I did in my previous post. Because part one of her meme was an idea from a good friend of hers, in her second option she asked if we'd like to blog about a close friend in SL as well. I...

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The Secret Lives of Avatars

I've often wondered what my avatars do when I log off.  Strawberry Singh wonders about this too, part one of her Monday Meme asks us what our avs are up to after we log out. This is a tricky challenge, avatars tend to be quite secretive and I had to install spycams to...

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More Autumn Sharing

Yay for more Autumn sims! I've seen a number of people mention Small town Green lately so I scooted over and roamed about for quite some time. The fall colors are lovely and the pumpkins are impressive. As I was taking pics my husband asked me if I was going to share...

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

No, really, I'm totally serious. It is the most wonderful time of the year.  Autumn is the time to break out the hoodies and the pumpkin spice everything, enjoy the cooler temperatures, go on long hikes through the woods looking at the leaves, and linger for hours in...

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Sharing Second Life

This past Wednesday brought an official blog post about the SL Share viewer with a new post to Facebook option. In general I don't use the official viewer very often because I prefer the tweaks in the third party viewers, but I thought it might be fun to download it...

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Wandering in Musiclandia

Music has always been extremely important to me. A favorite band or song can have an immediate impact on my mood, it can recharge me if I'm having trouble focusing, calm me if I'm stressed, inspire me to create something, or just provide a soundtrack for my day. My...

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Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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