Painted Skies

Some days you just wake up with an image in your head and then, of course, you must do some serious shopping to find just the right things, and then you have to look around for just the right location and try out a thousand different atmosphere settings and then you wonder how six hours passed in the span of two or three minutes. It’s just the darndest thing.

In my first couple of years in SL I spent much of my time running around in attire that would have been well suited for a Renaissance faire, but with the rise of mesh I abandoned my fantasy wear for the contemporary casual look. I’d forgot how much fun it is to dress up.

I am now very happy. ^_^

And I am in love with my dress. <3



Politely crediting:

Her dress: Senzafine  “Caterina”
Her necklace: Maxi Gossamer – Alexa Black choker pearls
Her eyes: Ikon Horizon
Her skin: League Isla medium
Her hair: Truth Courtney (pre-mesh, but I see it’s still available in their discount room for 50L a pack)

His coat: The Muses “Dragon
His ears: Sinful Needs Fae Elf Ears 4
His eyes: FATEeyes v3.0
His skin: Nivaro Cunov springtone
His hair: Truth Elysium (heavily modded) I think this is long since discontinued.

Hands: Slink

Backdrop: Skye Neist Point

The Bucket List

I've begun to look forward to Monday over the past few months, because it means that Strawberry Singh will post a new meme! I've not participated in every one of them but I've tried to do as many as I could, and I'm going to hold her partially responsible for keeping...

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Hazy Blues

Finding peace and tranquility in the forest, just watching the mist rise above the pond. Photo @ Snowlion Mountain

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How Very Intriguing

I'm trying to look intriguing today for Strawberry Singh's weekly blog meme, because today she asks us intriguing questions.  I have to admit I like her nosy question memes best of all because I'm a Nosy McNosypants and I really enjoy going to everyone else's blog and...

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Thoughts that haunt us

It took me forever to decide if I wanted to attempt Strawberry Singh's blog challenge for this week, The Haunted Meme. She asks us what haunts us, what are our fears, and the problem isn't that I can't think of what to write, it's trying to decide just what fear to go...

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Happy Weekend!

This was one of those lazy days, where you just want to sit around and listen to music, read magazines, and just chill. I also intended to go in world and be a tourist today but I got distracted and ended up making gifs and screencaps and losing track of time instead....

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Raven’s Random Thoughts

Having written that relatively long post about selfies I have come to realize something. I really need to learn how to write just a bit faster, I get an idea and it takes me forever to get it written out, then another dozen forevers before I hit publish, because I...

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It’s always all about me 😉

I take way too many selfies. The number of selfies on my phone probably rivals that of a bored teenager, yet I still keep pointing the camera at myself and snapping more shots, and playing with filters, and editing them beyond all recognition. It's just immensely fun...

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Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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