Distractions and Double Threat Memes

I haven’t been keeping up with the blog lately, again. Things were going along swimmingly, then RL decided to poop on my head right around mid March and I haven’t quite recovered. I didn’t really want to blog about how irritating it is to be laid off just when you were really starting to enjoy your job, or how even more irritating it is when after this happens you start having things around your property fall apart and the repair estimates make you want to hide under the bed. I tried log into SL a few times and at least attend meditation sits, which do sort of help with my focus and stress, but for the most part I just couldn’t get into going in world. Second Life, I love you to bits, but you don’t really lend yourself to allowing me to vent about my RL woes, or to escape from them by immersing myself in sharing new concert clips and flailing about with fellow fans over phenomenal set lists and awesome new pics and generally being a giddy fangirl.

It’s times like this you realize how fortunate you are to have good friends to lean on. None of them read this blog but I still want to just take a moment to be so exceptionally thankful for my little groups of friends in various corners of the internet, I can’t imagine where I’d be without them. All  have helped me survive the past year and a half (and the stinky past couple of weeks), they’ve listened to me ramble in dms and forum posts and on Skype, they’ve been there when I needed them. And so, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love all of you more than you can ever imagine. 🙂

Lately I may be back to myself. Or sort of myself. Or at least I thought I’d blog something because I really, really, really need to write. And so here I am. Yay!  I thought I’d catch up this week by grabbing the recent Berry memes that I’d skipped over. First I’ll try the The Double Threat Meme.

Two online screen names you’ve had: For the most part every username I had prior to about ten years ago was a total throwaway, I saw no reason to build a uniform online presence so I just made something up if I wanted to join a service, and forgot about it later. As a result I don’t even remember what most of my AOL usernames were (and I had a bunch because I kept making new ones and deleting old ones. But in general everything either of these two:  1) Some weird spelling variation of Rhiannon, I was determined to use that name in my early internet days, and so was everybody else it seemed, so unless I wanted to resort to adding numbers to my username, which I hate hate hate, I had to get creative 2) Some spelling variation of “fairy” coupled with a season.

Two video games you’ve played: 1) Various versions of the Sims. 2) Tetris. I loved Tetris.

Two things you love about Second Life:  1) My inventory! ♥  2) Seeing the cool things other people make.

Two things you’ve done in Second Life: 1) I built a replica of the air studio from my college radio station, I was always really proud of that.  2) I got to be a shopkeeper for a while

Two things you still want to do in Second Life: 1) Own an island! 2) Maybe learn to do mesh

Two things you like about your Second Life avatar: 1) They all have great clothes! 2) They’re so pretty. 🙂

Two of your Second Life Pet Peeves:  1) Random friend requests are weird when they appear out of the blue from someone you’ve never seen or spoken to. 2) The idea that I can’t transfer inventory between my own accounts has always been a pet peeve.

Two things you did as a newb that you’re embarrassed of: I didn’t really do much as a newb, I mostly just wandered around by myself and looked at stuff, and if I saw anybody on my radar who looked like they were coming towards me I’d tp out immediately.

Two of your closest friends in Second Life:  I have friends in SL who I enjoy saying hello to and chatting with, but still there’s not really anyone that I hang out or share things with in the way that I do with my closest friends (who are all also people I only get to interact with online, I do wish I could get them into SL but alas…) I often see bloggers talk about their amazing friendships in world and I wish I’d found that, but I guess I’ve just never met really like minded folks in SL. That’s entirely my fault, I let anxiety get the better of me and don’t really try, or even know how to find people who share my interests. In some ways the people in SL put me in mind of the cool kids in school who I just automatically guess will think I’m boring. SL people always seem much more grown up and interesting – they’re chatty, they’re sociable, they’re exciting, and I’m a total dork who never knows what to say, so I just stay in the background.
Okay, That was a bit of a whine. Whaaa.

Two of the most beloved things in your inventory: 1) The wedding ring set that I made for my avatar because I felt like she needed to be wearing a ring. 2) The aforementioned radio station is a grouped item in my inventory that I’m always afraid I’ll mess up.

So! My next goal is to get myself logged in and try to participate in something at Medici University before it goes away. My intentions when I joined were good, but all the offline stress just torpedoed my desire to do much of anything beyond consuming passive entertainment and pestering people to talk to me. Can’t do that forever though, it’s time to do something new and fun and different (I tell myself). Positive thinking ftw right? \o/

Now I’ll see how far I can get before I’m distracted by something again.


But Who Am I Really?

June is flying by! It's been fun having an excuse to buy a few new outfits because I have to pose in something cute, even if I'm not fashion blogging! Today I was thinking about identity. After seeing posts about Google+ and claiming authorship, or making about.me...

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Life is a waterfall We drink from the river Then we turn around and put up our walls.     ♪ Song o' the day http://youtu.be/fuzenfYfu9E

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Peace, baby

Day 12 of 30 Pretty dress time.   Fashiony stuff: Carolina Tie Dye Sundress - Sn@tch Aussie Thong flip flops for Slink mesh feet: Slink

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Day 11 of 30 Nothing much. Just some quiet time. ^_^ ♪ ♫ Soundtrack for the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPLWBhNW3FM  

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Bhaga Yards

I sometimes find places in SL that I wish I could have shared with people in my life who are no longer here. One of these things has always been anything related to railroads.  My father was a lifelong train buff and even if the overall concept of Second Life might...

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I have a gold star yay!

  I managed a week of blogging and I have a star!   Thank you, Vaneeesa!  It was great meeting a few of the other bloggers on Saturday.  Hopefully we'll be able to do so again before the month is out!  I am very proud of my star, I really wasn't sure I'd last a...

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Day 8: A quick group shot

A few of the participants for Avatar Blogger month gathered this afternoon for a group shot,  so I took a few pics for my scrapbook 😀   L-R: front: Vaneeesa Blaylock - center: Strawberry Singh, Anarya Elderslie, me - rear: Peep Sideshow, Lizzie Gudkov Anarya,...

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Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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