It seems that this week OnLive decided to make Firestorm the only viewer for their mobile SL Go apps. Yay for that! Since they added Firestorm for the desktop app I’d been trying out SL Go for my aging iMac, and it works great, (even though the 720p resolution is frustrating on a higher res monitor) but I haven’t paid as much attention to the mobile apps because the only option was the official LL viewer. Now that it defaults to Firestorm I had to try it again. When I found myself sitting around waiting for my mother to finish up an appointment this afternoon it seemed like a perfect time to give it a test drive.
The only trouble with my experiment is I was trying this on a phone, and SL on a 4.7 inch screen is pretty darn tiny. It rendered fast, it looked great, and I wasn’t getting any blurring, but trying to select anything in the UI is not easy. Pinch and zoom, attempt to select, click the wrong thing anyway, zoom back out, try again… It was a challenge. I couldn’t get my landmarks to scroll so I thought I’d type a sim name in search and go exploring that way, but it didn’t feel like recognizing my on screen keyboard. With no handy landmarks I was trapped in my house, but hey, my house was rendering fabulously, so that’s something, I guess. 😀 I did try later on the iPad with a bluetooth keyboard and everything worked really well and looked nice, so yay for Firestorm on SL Go! If I ever have some need to log into SL late at night when I don’t have the laptop handy I can always grab the ipad and I’ll be all set.
Meanwhile, sitting around this afternoon also gave me time to take a look at the Monday Meme. Strawberry Singh has a quick and easy one this week, and I couldn’t resist. Her instructions:
Copy and paste the following statements in your post and complete them writing down the first thing that pops into your head. Don’t forget to link your post in the comments (here).
I am… pretty awesome 😀
I want… to find the motivation to exercise regularly
I have… so much to be grateful for.
I wish… the concerts I want to see weren’t always so far away.
I hate… being laid off 🙁
I fear… the future
I search… for things often, because I misplace stuff a lot.
I wonder… if I’ve ever made a difference for someone
I regret… abandoning my diet just when I was almost at my goal
I never… thought I’d be a widow in my 40s.
I always… light a candle for my husband every night, just because it feels right to do so.
I usually… procrastinate
I dance… infrequently.
I sing… all the time (when I’m alone)
I often… log into SL, switch to Chrome to surf while everything loads, then forget I’m still in SL.
I sometimes… spend hours just trying outfits on my avvie and moving stuff around in my house.
I cry… a lot.
I need… to network and find a terrific new job
I should… go to bed earlier.
I love… blasting my car stereo at top volume \(^_^)/
I’ll add one
I will… get through this RL rough patch and move on to even better things!
Thanks Berry, hope you’re having a fantastic spring break!