Strawberry Singh’s mission for us this week: the Avatar Transformation Challenge:
Meme instructions: Transform your avatar completely so that even your friends wouldn’t recognize you. Don’t forget to share the link to your image in the comments (here) and add your pictures to the Blog Memes flickr group.
The rules said we had to stick to our usual gender and species. That made it a little tricker, but the rules didn’t say we had to stay the same age, so I thought I’d revisit my childhood. 😀
I’ve never tried to create a kid avatar and wasn’t sure what to wear. I don’t really have an interest in being an SL kid so I didn’t want to buy new clothes I’d only wear once, and most of the stuff I had in inventory didn’t work too well. I had a nice pair of gym shoes that fit, but otherwise mesh was totally out and the system shirts had too much boob shading. Unfortunately this left my youthful self stuck with library clothes, but that’s okay, I was just going to get them all dirty on the playground anyway.
I thought while I was reliving my childhood I should find a good place to visit, and the first that popped into my head was Livingtree, so off I went to goof around. It was fun to have the whole playground to myself!
I didn’t change my face sliders dramatically, just enough to try to look a little more kid-like. Still, I suspect if I had run across any friends they wouldn’t have known who I am unless they read my name tag. If I showed up as a tiny, or some other little non-human critter it wouldn’t have been unusual at all, nor would being any form of elf or faerie, but a kid av would be unexpected. I’m not sure how good a job I did making a kid version of myself, but it was fun to give it a try. 😀