This weeks Monday Meme from Strawberry Singh asks Have you ever SecondLifed?
Well, maybe a little.
- Have you ever owned a sim in Second Life? – No, but It’s still a dream.
- Have you ever created content in Second Life? –
Oh yes. Tons of stuff. I make little things all the time. I make decorations for my house, or things for my avatar. Once upon a time, in my early days, I even had a shop, with various pagan themed home decor. My inventory all looks so dated and basic now, so very 2007, but I love all my scultpy creations and still pull them out to decorate my house. Sometimes I miss that little store. ♥
- Have you ever driven a vehicle in Second Life? – Yes, I have tried several times and I am still terrible at it. I’m a hazard to myself and anyone around me.
- Have you ever gone sky diving in Second Life? – I don’t suppose inadvertently walking off my platform counts, does it? I haven’t skydived out of a plane, but we used to go parachuting off the Eiffel Tower. After our first visit my husband would wear his parachute all the time, and was constantly looking for tall places to jump from. 😀
- Have you ever played a sport in Second Life? – No.
- Have you ever gone clubbing in Second Life? – Not often, and it’s been a long time since I’ve been to a club.
- Have you ever fangirled/fanboyed someone in Second Life? – Once in a while at events or stores I’ll recognize a blogger’s name and think it’s neat to spot them out in the wild. I’ve never felt fangirly over anybody in SL though.
- Have you ever taken a picture of your avatar in water in Second Life? A few times, but when I went looking for a pic I realized it wasn’t as often as I’d thought.
- Have you ever taken a picture of a sunset in Second Life? – Lots and lots. I even have a few pre-windlight ones, but I really started having fun after windlight. This is a few years old, but I still like it.
- Have you ever taken a nude picture of your avatar in Second Life? – Maayyybeee… and my guy alt can look pretty cute sometimes so… lol. Really, though, I tend to keep my avvies dressed all the time.
- Have you ever dated in Second Life? – No. I joined with my husband, so it was never something that crossed my mind. Now I can’t even imagine dating in SL, I think it would feel really weird.
- Have you ever had or attended a wedding in Second Life? – I’ve attended quite a few weddings. At least one of the couples is still partnered.
- Have you ever drank, smoked or taken drugs in Second Life? – I have attached the occasional champagne at the aforementioned weddings. My avvies don’t smoke though. I quit IRL a good dozen years ago and I refuse to let my avvies pick up the habit. And how do you even take drugs in SL? o.O
- Have you ever engaged in sexual activity in Second Life? – The hub and I occasionally hopped on pose furniture for giggles, but pixel sex with emotes and everything? Nah. I imagine that’s much more meaningful if you’re in a long distance relationship.
- Have you ever been to Bukkake Bliss in Second Life? – Haha, no. I see it mentioned a lot in blogs but I’ve never been there.
Thank you Berry, for the questions! 😀