Hooray for mesh!

Recently one of my friends has been amused because I have a huge crush on my guy alt. She can’t giggle too much though, she fell for him too. I can’t help it. I made him way too cute, I have to log him in and admire him on a regular basis.

Now, I think I’ve made it worse on myself. I tried to resist getting the Slink Physique Male body for him. I tried, I really did. I was going to save money. I was going to budget. And besides, he’s usually dressed in tee shirts and jeans, and I told myself, “Hey, he doesn’t need a mesh body if you never actually see it.” Right?

Then I tried a demo and, well, so much for that budget.

Now I just stare at my screen and make little squeaky noises. All the times I heard men say they ran a female av because they just enjoyed looking at her more than they would a dude? Totally getting that now, I’m not sure I want to log my main in, it’s way too much fun to watch this guy walking around.

I really like the way this body is shaped. It smooths out all those odd chunky spots that plague the default body, and it’s a really nice average sized guy body type, rather than an unpleasantly overdone muscleman. The HUD is very similar to the one for the female body and is easy to work with. The body also has Omega applier support, (you do have to pick up the Omega activator HUD) and the hands and feet have been updated to include Omega compatibility also. When I picked up the skin applier for the Nivaro skin I typically keep him in I found that it applied the skin to body, hands and feet all at once, which is handy if you switch skin tones and don’t tend to save copies of your body parts for each skin you use.

The boxers he is wearing were included with the body, as well as a pair of stovepipe jeans and a basic tank, and all fit very nicely. I tried on a few of the mesh clothes in my inventory and found them to be a bit hit and miss so I think he’ll continue to spend most of his time in his default body; his normal wardrobe covers so much that it seems pointless to wear a mesh body and then alpha out everything but his neck and throat and forearms. Of course I remember thinking the same thing about my main’s Lara bod, and I realize I’ve been wearing it more often than not these days, so I’ll never say never.

Overall I’m really delighted with this body, and three cheers to Siddean Munro! Woot! Now I’m looking forward to seeing fitted clothes designed just for this so I can dress him up!

Okay, mostly I’m just looking forward to logging him in and swooning. That’s good too. 😀


other things he’s wearing:

Shoes: Phunk Lowtop Sneakers
Skin: Nivaro Cunov Summertone, Omega appliers available in the main store


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Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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