How to Relax

Relaxation level: 100%

For the majority of my Second Life I have been extremely fortunate to be associated with Kannonji Zen Retreat, a beautiful little sim that holds daily meditation sits, occasionally hosts talks from RL Buddhist teachers, and is home to two live music venues. Over the years I watched with great joy as my late husband and his close friend, Kannonji’s founder, shifted prims around, reshaped the landscape, occasionally battled over some feature one of them wanted to add that the other kept returning, and did their best to make Kannonji a beautiful place to visit. When the current owners, whom I’m lucky to count as my best friends in Second Life, gave me a free hand to do any updating I wanted I was delighted.

Life’s a beach \o/

Much of the sim remains as lovely as ever, and I admit there is still a lot of reluctance on my part to delete anything that my husband did before he passed, but it was fun to add new little touches. In the past couple of weeks my offline life seemed determined to throw stress at me right and left, and SL has been a refuge. Coming in world and having the opportunity to create spaces where others can hopefully escape a little of the daily stress of their offline lives has just been wonderful. Landscaping has to be one of the best forms of relaxation I have ever found. It will always be at the top of my list of things I love to do in world.

Finding the quiet spaces

I wouldn’t begin to put my efforts in the same category as those of SL’s many well known, talented sim architects, but I’m still quite proud of my modest little spots. Creating a hidden beach here, a quiet little camping spot there… bliss. Hopefully others will stumble across these little spots and it will erase a little of the stress of RL for them as well. 🙂

Visit Kannonji Zen Retreat at Snowlion Mountain 

Helpful Tools

The blog meme for this week from Strawberry Singh asks what helpful tools we've found to make using SL easier. I don't use a lot of different HUDs, but I am partial to the ones I've found so this was a quick and easy meme to do. This is pretty much what my viewer...

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Today was one of those days where everything felt extra stressful. Just dealing with life made me want to run away and hide under a bed for a few hours... or at least to run away and dive into a carton of ice cream, or a pile of Cheetos. Anything with a lot of...

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New Year, New Memes!

Here I go into the first full week of 2014. This is the week I said I would drag myself out of my cocoon and begin doing things, this is the week I was going to start everything fresh and take charge of my life. Have I done this? Well... I'm going to blame the sub...

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There goes 2013

How did 2014 creep up on me so fast? I've barely registered that time has passed since November, and now January 1 is a half hour away.  I guess it's time to break out the drinks and party! I was thinking about going in world all weekend, and I wanted to check up on...

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Seasons Come

Dear Natureszen, I spent a lot of time in world today, I wandered around some of the winter sims and tried to take some pics. Calas Galadhon is lovely, though as I watched the couples skating, or passing me on their cross country skis, I couldn't stop thinking about...

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Meme Time

I'd love to be a science nerd, I was thinking about that last night as I wandered around the solar system. I've never given a lot of thought to where I fall in the whole geeks vs nerds debate, but I always felt nerdy in school. I was a bookworm, and socially awkward...

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Oceania Planetary Park

I just absolutely love astronomy. As a kid I was sure I wanted to be an astronomer, at least until I realized that it required rather a lot of math. You know what they say about the best laid plans and all... Oh well. Even though I reluctantly abandoned the idea of a...

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Virtual tourist, wandering around taking pictures, answering blog challenge questions, and rambling about stuff. I'm not sure what the point is here, but it's all tremendously fun! 😀


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