I have a gold star yay!



I managed a week of blogging and I have a star!   Thank you, Vaneeesa!  It was great meeting a few of the other bloggers on Saturday.  Hopefully we’ll be able to do so again before the month is out!  I am very proud of my star, I really wasn’t sure I’d last a full week without wandering off after something shiny. I’m not sure about next week because I have an anniversary coming up, but I will try to queue a few days. And maybe have the husband log in and celebrate with me in SL too. 😀


That Darn Poem Meme and Other Thoughts


“I don’t know, li’l friend, what do you think I should blog about?”


I’m a little bit off on the timing for today’s blog post for Day 6, but my definition of a day is if I haven’t gone to bed yet it’s still day 6. 😀  I’m still so new to figuring out regular blogging that little things like thinking up a title for a post will leave me frowning at the screen for far too long.  And then the post content! Egads! If I visit a sim should I review it? Just post pics and a landmark? Reference all the style credits for what I’m wearing? Aaaaaugh! I guess that’s why the 30 days is going to be a good thing for me! By the end of the month I will either know what I’m doing and be totally dedicated to keeping this up to date, or I will be curled up under my desk with a jar of nutella.