Oct 29, 2013 | Chatter, Images, Monday Memes
Halloween is nearly here, so it’s only fitting that Strawberry Singh meme this week is The Halloween Meme! I tried to find something costume-y to wear for the pic, but this year I haven’t really bought any outfits that are Halloween related and I can’t afford to replenish the Linden supply for at least a couple weeks, so no shopping for me. Undaunted, I used the same costume finding method I have in RL: dig in the back of the closet and see what I can put together, and add wings. I think it turned out well considering that everything except the boots and hair is from 2008-2009. (more…)
Oct 18, 2013 | Images
Last weekend we decided it was necessary to go on a building and redecorating spree. It started innocently enough, I couldn’t resist the Autumn Cottage from Trompe Loeil at Collabor88 because it was so cute, and I wanted to set it out and decorate it for the season. Then I wanted to put some trees around it, and my hub went on a landscape products shopping spree of his own and swapped out our old floating island for some new ones, and more trees… suddenly we were decorating an entirely new home. Now I am absolutely in love with this house and our whole little area here and I have to show it off!
\(^_^)/ (more…)
Oct 4, 2013 | Chatter, Images
Yay for more Autumn sims! I’ve seen a number of people mention Small town Green lately so I scooted over and roamed about for quite some time. The fall colors are lovely and the pumpkins are impressive. (more…)
Oct 1, 2013 | Chatter, Images, Monday Memes
No, really, I’m totally serious. It is the most wonderful time of the year. Autumn is the time to break out the hoodies and the pumpkin spice everything, enjoy the cooler temperatures, go on long hikes through the woods looking at the leaves, and linger for hours in craft stores browsing through the fall decorations and the Halloween crafts as I dream of filling my whole house with seasonal decor.
Okay, maybe that’s just me, I might get a little carried away. I just love this season. 😀 I haven’t been keeping up with the Strawberry Singh’s weekly blog meme lately because I just couldn’t think of anything to do for a couple of previous ones, but the Autumn Challenge is irresistible! Here are the instructions: (more…)