One of those cute days :D

Sometimes you just have to admire yourself when you get new clothes.  I love the little messy wispy bits in D!va hair, and this is making me itchy to turn my RL hair back to blonde again. I like the tank from Ducknipple a lot too, and I like that it has a HUD so I can change the color.  And now that I feel super cute I’ll be ready to head off for some SL10B adventures. Yay! (more…)

Throwback Thursday? Sure!

I keep seeing friends on Facebook posting various old photos once a week for “Throwback Thursday” and thought why not do that here?  Now in their case it’s always old school pics, or baby pictures, maybe a stray high school graduation shot…  I’m pretty sure nobody wants to see my old yearbook photos, so I looked back through my old SL photos instead.  Oh my.13-FEB-07 us_1

And so there we are, rocking some plaid in February 2007.  I don’t even know what to say. I particularly enjoy my pink hair along with the green Irish dress.  Husband was trying to make a kilt, which pretty much meant tossing a plaid texture on a system skirt. We thought we looked pretty cool too… o.O  I think we spent a  couple weeks on Help Island before we ever considered heading for mainland, so we actually had some fairly good skills in place by the time we were released into the wild. Fashion sense would develop much later… (more…)

Day 3!


On Day 3 I still don’t have any clear idea what I’m going to post next, but I’m totally into the blog fitness idea.  Of course I had to go check out my treadmill workstation and put a couple of little things out on my desk!  If you ever saw my RL desk you’d know I will clutter it up with everything imaginable, but I kept it to a couple of pics. And a lava lamp. Everybody needs a lava lamp 😀
