The Communications Meme


The blog meme from Strawberry Singh this week is communication. This was pretty easy, even if I don’t spend a lot of time being a social communicator in SL. This actually amuses me given that my college major was communications, so I should be much better at it! For today I tried to find a pic that was somewhat relevant, but this is probably more representative of my SL than anything… Just watching….


Guilty? Me?


Once again, it’s time for the weekly Strawberry Singh blog challenge, AKA the reason I actually have new blog entries!

This week’s meme is SL guilty confessions… This one stumped me for a while, I wasn’t sure if I should be considering this as something that I actually feel bad about, or as something more along the lines of things that are fun but embarrassing to admit, aka guilty pleasures.  Since my SL is pretty mild mannered there isn’t anything that’s happened that I actually feel guilt over, but there are those habits that are perhaps a wee bit embarrassing. So let’s see, what can I confess… (more…)


Strawberry Singh challenged everyone to write a Haiku about our Second Life…  I don’t think I’ve tried writing a haiku since, oh, college, probably. Write a Haiku did come in handy for this.

I have no idea why the first thing that popped into my mind was my inventory. Or, rather, a prominent section of my inventory.  I haven’t been in world too much this week whilst  Firestorm and I struggle to get along after the latest update, so no cute pics to go along with this, but I present  my haiku, with it’s inspiration.

Hey, I’m quite proud of this little effort! 😛


Dozens of objects
That I forgot to rename.
Frustration abounds.



Three Wishes


It was a pretty bottle, I thought it might look nice sitting out on the mantel, and maybe serve as a conversation piece.  But even though I knew it wasn’t a magic bottle I still had to rub it. Just for fun, you know? Imagine my surprise when a genie appeared and granted me three wishes for SL… what would I wish for? (more…)