Apr 23, 2013 | Chatter, Images, Monday Memes
For today, the Why Do I Blog? meme from Strawberry Singh. I haven’t been blogging Second Life for very long at all, so these probably will be more relevant to my primary Tumblr blog, which is my main focus and not SL related at all (well, sometimes I cross post). But interesting questions! For once I’m typing mine up before I follow the comment links, so I’m looking forward to seeing the other answers.
Apr 17, 2013 | Chatter, Images, Monday Memes
Today I’ve just been enjoying my little office and feeling cute, which is, of course, my main purpose in SL 😀
But meanwhile, today’s blog meme is about names. This will be an easy one to answer, at the same time this one that reminds me that I’ve never fully bonded with my avatar’s name… or rather, I like it but I soon realized that it’s not as uncommon as I’d like. I always envied the people who came up with the creative names, the ones who managed to get a really cool play on words, or the ones that were just really unique and beautiful. (more…)
Mar 18, 2013 | Random Thoughts
And so now I have a shiny new blog!
Well, new-ish. 😀 The first few months worth of posts here are mirrored from my SL Tumblr, but I am shifting to the more long form and somewhat easier to organize (for me, anyway) blog here. As with all new projects, I have high hopes for myself. Time will tell what becomes of this.
But meanwhile, welcome!